Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Zombies Are Not My Friends

Arrielle Smallwood-Evans Engl 336.002

The soulless corpses we all know and love are
threatening to come back with a vengeance from their prospective graves. Oh yes
my friends, the zombies are back! Human life on Earth has to figure out while
they can if they are able to take on this attack that’s coming their way soon.
My quest was to find out from my fellow Frostburg schoolmates what their
chances are of surviving this threatening zombie apocalypse. “My chances are
good, I have a lot of friends that hunt and I can just cook. I feed, they kill”, said Kenny a Mass
Communications major from Atlanta, Georgia. Shocked by my question, Chelsea a
Graphic Design major from Baltimore stated “Oh God, I’d probably die in like 2
minutes.” A student by the name of Anthony from Elkton, Maryland who was very
optimistic in his chances of survival said, “Oh, there pretty high as long as
there’s five people or less in my group.” Not very positive in her chances of
living through this war between the living and the dead, Sarah an Early
Childhood and Education major from Grantsville, Maryland said, “I’d say three
percent.” Getting straight to the point, Marcus a Mass Communications major
from Ann Arundel County, Maryland said “Hell yeah I would survive, I’ll just
shoot them!” As you can see there’s a mixture of doubters and believers in this
bunch, but all I know is these bad boys are on their way! Let’s just hope the
students at Frostburg State University have not only the book smarts, but the
street smarts to kill the zombies so that they never return again.

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