Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chances of surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Vincent Morton, Jr
Frostburg State University attendants have mixed feelings as to their chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse. Answers varied between the three interviewees. Mike, a Frostburg student, said that he would have a great chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse because he has been honing his zombie killing skills on the video game, Modern Warfare 2's zombie killing mini game. Jonathan Newton, a Frostburg student, said that he would be out of luck if a zombie apocalypse suddenly erupted because his friends would betray him, and leave him to fend for himself. Shelley Drees, Administrative assistant for the History/Philosophy department, said that she would have no chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse because zombies would "eat my face". Surprisingly, the weapons of choice for all three interviewees were high-powered guns. Frostburg, as we know it, would cease to exist it seems if a zombie apocalypse were to erupt because we do not seem to have many soldiers.

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