Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Zombie Question

By: Celina Bevington
ENGL 336:001

On the sunny and brisk day of November the 1st the question of Zombies plagued the Frostburg State University campus. As per an assignment in Mr. Andrew Duncan’s Journalistic Writing course, students were instructed to find three people on campus and ask them what their chances were for surviving a zombie attack. Michael Bean, an English major from Waldorf, Maryland believed his chances were “very high. Mostly because I have seen every zombie movie ever made, read any book or comic I could get my hands on. I am a self-titled zombie enthusiast.” Another Frostburg State student believed his chances of survival to be much lower. William Vaccacio, an Economics major from Monkton, Maryland said he perceived his chances to be “not so good. I kinda hope I die with the initial wave of people, it would just be easier that way.” Students seemed much less surprised by the Zombie inquiry than the faculty. English teacher Jennifer Browne laughed before stating: “My chances are pretty low because I’m slow. If it’s a slow zombie then I’m fine, if it’s fast then I am not going to fare to well. I am also a pacifist so I guess I’m just out of luck.” Whether it is the fact that Halloween has just passed or everyone just has monsters on the brain, the Zombie question is one that everyone should consider. Would you survive?

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