Thursday, April 21, 2011

Steward of the Earth

I think we can all agree that taking care of our earth is something that we all have a responsibility to do as people who live here. But have you ever thought that there was some type of spiritual responsibility to take care of the earth? Well, if you want to get an opinon, ask Junior Sandra Marsh. Sandra is a art major here at Frostburg State, and despite being what she described as "very nervous", gave a very interesting presentation on how it is our duty to take care of this creation.

But suprisingly enough, this presentation was not just given from the Christian perspective. Views from all different faith-based, as well as non-fath based perspectives were presented. This is what really made her presentation go. The fact that this was just not for those who believed in God, but for everyone, made this special. And it goes to prove the point that no matter who we are, or where we come from, we all have a duty to be "green People" in order to make sure our earth is well taken care of and protected.

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