Saturday, April 16, 2011

Illuminating HOPE

By: Andrea Lynch

Every year there is one major aspect of Relay for Life that everyone anticipates, this aspect is called the Luminaria Ceremony. This ceremony is always a highlight of the evening. This is due to our bleachers becoming a home to the memories of survivors and the loved ones that has lost someone.

Before the ceremony begins, volunteers place Luminaria bags on our bleachers to spell out the word HOPE, pictured left. Such a little word, but holds so much strength and will power. Due to the weather this year the Luminaria bags could not be lit. When the announcer stated such, the look of disappointment was across many faces. "That's my favorite part!" whimpered Deja Darden. Deja, a graduating senior this upcoming May, could not believe that at her last relay at FSU the Luminaria's was not going to be lit. "But it's cool; I know relay has no control over what Mother Nature does."

Even though the Luminaria's were not lit the first lap around the track after the ceremony was still as emotional as if the bags were lit. In order to have enough Luminaria's, every Wednesday two members of Frostburg State University's Relay team sat at a table in the Lane Center and sold Luminaria's. Even at the actual Relay event many participants were still buying them. As I went up to buy a Luminatia, a volunteer explained to me that, "by purchasing Lumnaria's someone is able to remember loved ones lost to cancer and honor those who have won their battle."

"Supporters make it possible. Scientists make it happen. Survivors make it personal."

There is nothing more personal than fighting for the one's we love. Each April, Frostburg State University helps bring the step to fighting for cancer in thousands of people lives a little easier. Whether it is the money raised, the celebration for survivors or the silence for loved ones that someone lost.

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