Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Question of Question 7

The day of the Presidential Election is always a very big day in the United States. Opinions and beliefs are weighted out, accumulating in the appointment of the newest leader of the United States of America. Along with this major decision, individual states also use this time to elect senate and congress representatives, and also to present pressing social and political matters to the public to vote on. While many of these subjects are a nationwide movement, such as the legalization if gay marriage, most of them are dealing with state matters. In Maryland, one of these matters is current matters is Question 7, otherwise known as the Gambling Expansion Question, which would increase the use of casinos in Maryland.

The reception to Question 7 seems to be highly positive at this time. "I voted for it, I think extra money for the state will never be a bad thing" says Eric Gontrum, an FSU Freshman studying Mass Communication, "It creates jobs and revenue for the state." The use of the money into state use is a main concern for many people, as Judy Abbot, the info desk manager of the FSU Lane Center put is, "I think using the money for education would be great," says Judy, "We have to get these kids educated".

While the concern for where the money will be going is still high, the proponents of Question 7 assure that the proceeds will be a benefit to all Marylanders, and many people are seeing it in that light as well. The support for Question 7 is high, and many people are looking to see it be passed into effect. If it does, hopefully the benefit everyone want it to bring will come to Maryland quickly.

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