Thursday, March 31, 2011

Subject To Change

If you ask a college student what they think about school their answer will probably begin with a laundry list of things they dislike starting with their #1 deterrent to leisure time, going to class. While youll be hard pressed to find a college student that relishes the chance to wake up at 9 am to hear a lecture, there are classes that every student excels in regardless of their desire to go to class.

Frostburg State sophomore Kenneth Goins said, "I don't know what my strongest subject is, I hate school pretty much". Initially he was hard pressed to find a subject he would deem "strongest", "If I said marketing, I would be lying" he said.Reluctantly, Kenneth decided that biology was his strongest subject. According to Kenneth biology is easy and he simply understood it more than his other subjects.

Lanham, MD resident Aaron Cunningham, another FSU sophomore, seemed a little more enthusiastic about his strongest subject. "Can I say English? Ok then English", Aaron says. Aaron chose English because he felt that it was an easier subject than math or science because they don't have to "remember stuff like in history class". I found it ironic that the students did not pick their majors as their strongest subjects. Aaron is a Mass Communication major and Kenneth majors in Business Administration.

In addition to the perspective of the students I surveyed a Frostburg faculty member to see if someone who hasn't been in school for years differs from the students of today. Leslie Beal is a cashier in Chesapeake Hall, her strongest subject was English. When asked why she said "I don't know, I just always loved English".

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