Monday, May 12, 2014

April Event: Late @ Lane

Late at Lane is a fun filled event for the students, staff, and community of Frostburg. The hours usually range from 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. or 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. This event was held on Saturday May 3rd. There were a few hundred people that attended.

Entering the Lane University Center, where the event is held, everyone is greeted by a few police to check for identification at the door. Upon entering there are also policeman standing around to also make sure no one has consumed too much alcohol or drank underage. Afterwards there is a coat check, and a metal detector for the student’s safety. Lastly, before entering the event, everyone has to get a wrist band and get their i.d. checked for validity. And then the fun begins.

First off there are people handing out raffle tickets with a chance to win things such as ipads, t.v.’s, tablets, other electronics, t-shirts, etc. To the right were people inside of the Appalachian Station (the food place) serving different foods such as taco’s, corndogs, fruit, and drinks such as soda, juice, and water. Outside of the food place is the lounge area for the students and faculty. There is a stage filled with people surrounding it. Karaoke was taking place on the stage when I walked in and the people around it seemed to be enjoying it. I was greeted by a few people who were obviously intoxicated and when I asked them how they liked the event, they all said they were enjoying themselves.

As I walked further I noticed there were many tables of little events and games for the students to play. There was also a cotton candy machine which most of the students seemed to enjoy. As I walked around and asked more people about why they enjoy Late @ Lane, most of them said it was fun to be around other students and friends and have something entertaining to do. One student Jordan Smith said “it’s not very much out here to do in Frostburg so whenever the school has an event that brings everybody together, I try to make it.” Another students added on to his statement by saying “it’s nice to be able to turn up in a school event and know that you’re safe.”

Late at Lane obviously offers a lot to the students here by not just providing events for the community, but providing safety for the community. It is an intelligent way of keeping everyone safe and on-campus. It provides a better way of handling the student activity seeing as though there are more dangers that the students can get into off-campus.

Lastly, downstairs there was a comedy show being held with 4 performers. This was also the main event of the night. It was headlined by comedian Mr.Soe as The Most RACES Show on Earth. The show consisted of a few funny racial jokes which the audience seemed to find humorous. I looked around to see if there was anyone that wasn’t paying attention, and most people were actually listening and interacting with the performers.

At the end of the night, everyone formed together at 2 a.m. to exit out of the Lane University Center doors. There was no violence but plenty of laughter. A monthly event has gone successful once again and the lives of the Frostburg community rest at ease.


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