Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Undocumented Immigrants Paying In-State Tuition??

     Question 4: Public Institutions of Higher Education – Tuition Rates
     From a small sample of students on the Frostburg State University campus, it seems that students attending institutions of higher education are in full support of Question 4.  According to the Maryland State Board of Elections, Question 4 essentially establishes “that individuals, including undocumented immigrants, are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates at community colleges in Maryland, provided the student meets certain conditions…” 

     The three students interviewed, Jarred Sleets, Harry Jones, and Daniel Delozier all voted yes to Question 4.

     Jarred Sleets believes that “If they have lived here long enough then they deserve it just like we do.”  He felt that it was wrong for someone that he shared a high school experience with to not be offered the same opportunities upon graduation. 

     Harry Jones considered the answer to Question 4 to be obvious.  He said that it can only help the state as a whole.  He expressed that “If residents of Maryland receive higher education, they will be able to get more profitable jobs and thus pay a higher dollar amount in taxes in the future; it is helping the entire system in the long run.”  

     Daniel Delozier was synonymous in his beliefs.  He urged that “The more educated people there are in Maryland, the better off the state will be.” 

     Through this small sample, the belief that in-state tuition should be granted to undocumented immigrants who meet certain conditions seemed to be unanimous among the students of Frostburg State University.  After today, 11/6/2012 or election-day, it will be found if the State of Maryland agrees with the students of Frostburg State University on Question 4.
A link to the full text of the question:

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