Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What current or recent news story interests you the most?
What under-reported news story do you think deserves more attention?

Chris Dutcher, a senior pre-med major, says his attention has been most grabbed by the Kony controversy regarding the kidnapping and forced military servitude of children in Uganda. He says, if there are other news topics that deserve more attention, " I haven't heard of them."
Ainsley Raley, a senior pre-med major, said that she is most interested in recent murders at the University of Pittsburgh. She quickly follows with her distaste for Peyton Manning being kicked off of the Colts, saying that his dismissal deserves much more attention.
Sheena Willison, a senior biology major and psychology minor, says she has been most recently been drawn to an article about the singer Beyonce and her recent, "bold courtside appearance," referring to her garb at a recent basketball game. She strongly believes that the topic most deserving of more media attention is U.S. military actions overseas, which seems to leave the life of soldiers in the shadows.
Mary Biscoe, a senior double majoring in law and society and sociology, and current SGA president, is most interested in news regarding the new strain of flu outbreak. Her boyfriend's family members have so far been the only individuals diagnosed with this new strain, putting them in the intensive care unit in Calvert County, MD. Mary believes that the topic most underreported is U.S. military action. In particular, she believes that the stories of individual soldiers are blatantly absent, making them appear to be disrespected, and their feelings of solitude to be justified.

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Linda Stewart said...
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