Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Voice: Tanisha Hamilton

by Shannon Brown 336.002

Who knew TV shows could influence real life? Uh, everyone! Plenty of people in the younger generations idealize personalities like Snookie, while others prefer writers akin to Tina Fey. Shows give people great ideas what to make for dinner or how not to treat your imaginary best friend- but there is one series that has been a consistent variable for a good portion of the younger generation’s lives: Law & Order. And who takes the incentive to apply what we all learn from this 20-season, spin-off inducing show? Tanisha Venita Hamilton: a dedicated 21-year old senior at Frostburg State University here to study Law & Society, Political Science & Human Communications. From Fort Washington, MD, Tanisha made the move all the way to Frostburg, Maryland. “I’m an avid viewer of Law & Order,” she says to explain her decision, “I realized the judicial system is somewhat corrupted, so I wanted to fight the system from the inside.” Her choice to be the voice for all those who cannot speak will, hopefully, result in her own law firm in the future. But first, school takes precedence- she plans on continuing her education at the University of St. Thomas’ exemplary law school program. While she doesn’t have much experience within the field, she’s on the track to becoming partner while balancing a family on top of the work! Despite being dedicated to her cause, Tanisha comes from a loving family and wishes for her own, eventually.

But judicial victims aren’t Tanisha’s only concern: she shares the same fears her personal hero, and our First Lady, Michelle Obama holds close to her heart. When asked about her opinion on the First Lady, Tanisha confirms, “I’ve never really had a hero until now, and I'd have to say my personal hero is Michelle Obama. She is a very profound speaker and stands by her husband through thick and thin. She is a very educated and classy woman who is not afraid to speak about hardships she endured in her past in order to get to where she is today. I feel that every woman to some degree should want this for herself.” A woman struggling in today’s world is not a light subject, and our stereotypically patriarchal system is becoming sensitive. She continues on to emphasize, “I constantly hear men stereotyping women, saying what we can and can’t do. I want to prove to men and women that jobs can be done by anyone,” she certifies, “there’s no specific job only for men or only for women.”

Ethically-aware and dedicated to her cause? There’s more! While Tanisha would rather be writing and performing music she has composed, she does buckle down and get what needs to be done accomplished, “Mrs. Obama motivates me to do my absolute best in school if I want to be successful in life. Therefore, I go to class everyday bringing nothing but my best.” Yet in her free time, music is her passion. “I love music, not only because I'm a writer and a singer, it's the aesthetics of music that I love. It allows the artist to express themselves through music and allows the listener to relate. A lot of people don’t know that I write music and sing, this is an actual hobby of mine- I do it every weekend or when I have spare time.”

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