Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chelsey: Remembering Grandfather Nolan and her Unusual Family Coincidences

by: Ashley Jackson 336.002

Chelsey Campbell Roberts is a 19 year old aspiring writer from Baltimore who is in her third year at Frostburg State University. She traces her heritage to Italian, German, and, "maybe some British". In her spare time, Chelsey admits to being a "bookie", having read over 200 books in the last three years. The books she chooses are science fiction and romance as a mix, not separately. She also likes to collect shot glasses and had around 30 at one point from various places she traveled including New Zealand and the Bahamas. The story of Chelsey really began when she spoke of her family and their coincidental occurrences over the years.

 Upon asking about most influential people in her life, Chelsey smiled and began the story of her Grandfather Nolan Henry Roberts who passed away five years ago on June 7th, 2007 at the age of 54. She credits her grandfather to being the main father figure in her life. Chelsey mentioned that a few weeks after the death of her grandfather, her cousin Brooke Nola was born on August 21st and given a middle name in remembrance of their grandfather Nolan. Chelsey reflected on her mom telling her when her grandfather held her at for the first time at birth, "she was the love of his life" and that's exactly how Chelsey feels about her cousin Brooke Nola.

Chelsey says she is a little superstitious when it comes to dates and her family occurrences such as birth and death. "My family gives before a new life is born. It's almost like we're sacrifice-rs," she said explaining that her great- grandfather passed a few months before her own birth just as her grandfather had with Brooke. Alongside dates, she explained that her grandfather Nolan's dad, grandparents on his mom's side, two uncles (one of which he was named after) and younger sister all had passed during the month of June over the years.

In addition to the coincidental dates and superstition, Chelsey notes, "I think my basement might be cursed too. My grandfather, his best-friend: our family dog Fred, and my chinchilla have all died down there. I think I might move my stuff back upstairs." When asked about her grandfather's cause of death, she replied, "My mom and I must have been watching too much C.S.I. at the time and the autopsy's freaked us out so we decided to not get one done on him. So we really never were sure what he died from. The Coroner did say there was signs of strain on his face though, so it was probably a heart attack". She included also that, strangely enough, "maybe her grandfather knew" since 6 months prior to his passing he had gotten life insurance, a new job, payed off his jet ski, purchased a new car, and knew of his granddaughter's coming.

Chelsey likes to remember the good times and strong personality her grandfather Nolan had. She reminiscences on being out in public with him and laughing as he commented on pretty- faced, toned, long- haired women like "Daaaammmnnnnnn...." She could surely appreciate a grandpa with a sense of humor. "He's the main reason why I do what I do: my education, everything" she said, smiling and looking at her Brooke Nola tattoo on her wrist that she got for her cousin and grandfather. Tattoos obviously represent a lot of meaning to Chelsey, "Over winter break, if I have enough money, I'm getting a memorial tat of marine bone- shaped dog tags for my grandpa since he was a marine and  for the passing of Fred, since they were close". For more information on the art of getting memorial tattoos please see memorial tattoos.
                            Chelsey's wrist tattoo to remind her of the bond she has with her Grandfather and Cousin.

This much is evident: that family holds a strong value in Chelsey's life. She continues to be motivated daily with the memories of her grandfather Nolan and the life of her cousin Brooke Nola. Despite all of the superstition in dates and unusual timing in family occurrences, Chelsey remains unshaken and works toward her bright future.