Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christine Elizabeth, Outback kind of girl, By Mitchell Tilghman, ENGL 336

Christine Elizabeth is a proud student of Frostburg state university but she didn't start there. She also spent time at Massine College and Allegany College figuring out her path in life. She says she loves helping people that why she would like to be a motivational speaker. To reach her goals she started off as a social science major studying the behavior of society and people. As she continued her college career she took a mass communication class where she met a great teacher named Mr. Lombarti. She said “she did not know she was going to make an A in this class” but she did with hard work and motivation from her teacher. She seen how great of a class it was and decided to major in Mass Communication to continue on her path to becoming a motivational speaker.
            Christine got her passion for motivational speaking from her parents keeping her in a church environment. Christine comes from a tight Italian family. Her family is made up of her mother, father, and Brothers Tom and Dan. Tom is 30 years old and works as a sales representative for high school students. Christine relates a lot to Tom because he also went to college. He graduated for Duke University. Dan is 28 years old and works as a snow maker. She says he is currently working on a proect for the 2014 winter Olympics. Christine’s family is very church oriented. She attends a catholic church in her home town and is extremely involved in the church choir. Her eyes lit up as she spoke about her leading worship on Sunday. She says that she is proud to incorporate a lot of new ideas to her church. Also she wants so much more of God and wants to help people with her gifts. She feels like she is a “vary Christian person” and would like to take her church to a whole new level.
            Christine dose not only sing but she also plays basketball and volleyball. She would like to call herself an “outback kind of girl.” She loves traveling in the woods and loves the county. She has not only hiked in the woods but has also traveled to California, Montana, Wyoming, and Mexico. Christine is an awesome and amazing young lady. She will do great thing in her endeavors to help and support people.      

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