Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What's in the News?

Megan Collins, ENG 336.001

Throughout the day many stories flash across the television screen and go unnoticed by people too busy to notice or to uninteresting to certain viewers to be remembered or paid attention to. This being said there are also interesting current stories that are grabbing the attention of people around the world. On Tuesday March 13, 2012 for English 336 Journalism I was asked to interview people and receive at least 3 direct quotes from people around the campus and to keep 2 questions. One was involved current or recent news stories that are most interesting and why. The second was under reported news story do you think deserves more attention and why?
Nicholas Wilson curator of FSDC in the College of Liberal Arts and Science department says a current story that interests him is Kony 2012 because “of the impact of social media on social issues.” A story that Nicholas Wilson views with intrigue is the recent events in Syria because “of the impact of general human rights of free speech that every citizen of the world should have the right to.” Kony 2012 is about bringing awareness to the children kidnapped in Uganda by Josheph Kony who makes the girls in to slaves and makes the boys into warriors.
Katrina Smullen, a freshman with a major in interpretive biology and natural history from Pestill Springs Tennessee says that a recent story that interests her was how “President Obama was trying to make it legal to shoot bard owls.” This is because she likes owls and says “I don’t see why you should kill one owl to save another.” A story Katrina Smullen viewed as important and underreported was on Fracking because “it’s an important issue that is effecting communities not only economically but with their health and without proper regulations it can cause issues.” Fracking, also called Hydraulic fracturing, is a mining technique which features drilling to release natural gas that may or may not be the cause of earth quakes which have been increasing since September.
Ben Stone is a senior with a major in wildlife biology from Hagerstown, Maryland says that a current story that interests him is “the Maryland ruling ‘carry laws’ as unconstitutional because I think it’s a huge victory for out 2nd amendment rights” Ben Stone says that an underreported story that needs more attention is “patriotism on troops overseas because they are fighting a war to protect us. I feel there should be more reported on that topic.”

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