Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Civil War Christmas: An American Musical Celebration

Last night, November 30, 2012, I had the privilege to attend A Civil War Christmas: An American Musical Celebration in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) of Frostburg State University. The musical was directed by Dr. Mary Yost-Rushton, and featured acting, dancing, and singing from a variety of Frostburg State University students. The production was centered on the night of December 24, 1964 and was based on the events of the Civil War. Some of the major character portrayals in the musical included that of President Abraham Lincoln and actor John Wilkes Booth. This is a “must see” and is perhaps the best production I have seen in the Performing Arts Center at Frostburg State University.
            The musical was astounding and received a great vibe from the audience. Christopher Inskeep, a senior marketing major from Baltimore, Maryland called it “The best live performance I have seen anywhere, not just here. Everything complimented the next.” Also the actors did a great job with their accents as well as well as showing their emotion on stage. This undoubtedly kept the audience entertained and applauding the entire time. Frostburg State University has created outstanding actors and actresses of its young men and women.
            Caitlin Moore, a biology major from Capitol Heights, Maryland commented to me that, “The singing was most impressive. I don’t know how everyone stayed on key together every time.” Stephanie Perry, a speech pathologist major at Towson University attended the performance and regarded it as, “The most exciting thing to do at Frostburg. I loved every minute of it.”
            With a few more days of performances left one can only expect the performers to feel more comfortable on stage and perform at a higher level every time they perform this production. Whether it’s the witty satire, the singing, the acting, or jus the amazing story line, I am pretty sure that anyone who goes to see A Civil War Christmas: An American Musical Celebration will have something to fall in love with. The hard work and dedication of so many students and members of the faculty at Frostburg State University is clearly shown from beginning to end, leaving audience members roaring out of their seats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I luv my boyfriend Andre. He is a wonderful writer who featured me in his article. "Stephanie Perry, a speech pathologist major at Towson University attended the performance and regarded it as, 'The most exciting thing to do at Frostburg. I loved every minute of it.'". You are the best boo and I cant wait see time with you over break.