Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Frostburg-Baltimore shuttle service

Students who lack cars or dislike long drives may be interested in a new twice-daily shuttle service between Frostburg State and Baltimore with a fare that starts at $56 per person one way.

Baltimore-bound vans will leave the Cordts P.E. Center at 8:50 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. daily except for Sunday, when only the afternoon pickup will be offered, according to the website of BayRunner Shuttle.

Vans from Baltimore will drop off passengers at the P.E. Center at 3:10 p.m. and 11:10 p.m. daily except for Saturday, when only the afternoon dropoff will be offered, the website says.

Other stops between Grantsville and Baltimore include Cumberland (two stops), Hancock, Hagerstown and Frederick (two stops), the website says. The three Baltimore stops are the BWI Rail Station, the BWI Airport terminal and the Greyhound station on Haines Street, the website says.

BayRunner Shuttle, a private company with offices in Salisbury and Frederick, is providing Western Maryland service through a Federal Transit Administration grant administered by the Maryland Transit Administration, according to a Jan. 13 company press release.

The press release identifies the funding as a 5311(f) grant. This is a three-year grant designed to encourage intercity bus service and rural public transit, according to the FTA website.

The Frostburg New Day learned of the new service through a Jan. 19 post at Getting There, the blog of Baltimore Sun transportation writer Michael Dressler.

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